
[h?nd]     [h?nd]    
  • n. 手;協助;手藝
  • v. 給;傳
  • Hand.
  • n. 漢德(英文姓)
handless hander handed handed handing hands



n. (名詞)
  1. 指針
  2. 手,動物的前肢,爪,像手的東西
  3. 人手,雇員
  4. 字跡,手跡
  5. 雇員
  6. 手藝,技能
  7. 簽字
  8. 插手,參與,經手,輪值
  9. <口>鼓掌
  10. 幫助
  11. 允婚,答允
  12. 一串,一束,分枝根莖
  13. 牌戲的一盤,打牌人,一手牌
  14. 一手之寬
  15. 手感,手覺
  16. 一拳,一擊
  17. (談判等中的)實力
  18. 漢德(英文姓氏)
v. (動詞)
  1. 攙扶
  2. 交,給,傳遞,提供
  3. 【?!渴站恚L帆)
  4. <廢>用手操縱,對付
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 用手(操作)的


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]手 either of the movable parts at the end of a person's arm, including the fingers
  2. [C](鐘表等的)指針 a pointer or needle on a clock, machine, or measuring instrument
  3. [C]人手,員工 a worker
  4. [S]幫助,援助 help
  5. [C]字跡,書法 handwriting
  6. [C]有手藝〔技能〕的人 sb with skill, knowledge, or experience of the stated kind
  7. [S]鼓掌,拍手 encouragement given by clapping the hands; a burst of applause
  8. [C]掌握,控制 control, power, or responsibility
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 遞,交付 give or transfer sth with one's hand or hands
  2. vt. 傳給 give or leave to people who are younger or live after


  1. the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb;

    "he had the hands of a surgeon"
    "he extended his mitt"

  2. a hired laborer on a farm or ranch;

    "the hired hand fixed the railing"
    "a ranch hand"

  3. something written by hand;

    "she recognized his handwriting"
    "his hand was illegible"

  4. ability;

    "he wanted to try his hand at singing"

  5. a position given by its location to the side of an object;

    "objections were voiced on every hand"

  6. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time;

    "I didn't hold a good hand all evening"
    "he kept trying to see my hand"

  7. one of two sides of an issue;

    "on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."

  8. a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece;

    "the big hand counts the minutes"

  9. a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses;

    "the horse stood 20 hands"

  10. a member of the crew of a ship;

    "all hands on deck"

  11. a card player in a game of bridge;

    "we need a 4th hand for bridge"

  12. a round of applause to signify approval;

    "give the little lady a great big hand"

  13. terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos);

    "the kangaroo's forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"

  14. physical assistance;

    "give me a hand with the chores"

  1. place into the hands or custody of;

    "hand me the spoon, please"
    "Turn the files over to me, please"
    "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"

  2. guide or conduct or usher somewhere;

    "hand the elderly lady into the taxi"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. It was written by hand.
  2. He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other.
  3. Do you want a hand?
  4. He's always willing to give a hand to anyone who asks.
  5. He has a light hand with pastry.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Please hand me that book.
  2. She helped to hand round the dishes.
  3. Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my older brother.


用作名詞 (n.)
  1. My left hand brushed the wall and found the doorknob.
  2. She put her hand on his shoulder and then drew it away.
  3. Her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness to him.
  4. They bound the boy's hands.
  5. When the Madam was carried away with the music of the opera, a thief's hand was getting at her jewellery.
  6. When the pilot reached hospital, it was found that tissue had been burnt away from his face and hands.
  7. We elected the captain of our football team by a show of hands.
  8. God has equipped man with two hands, which play an important role in his work.
  9. His hot pancakes are delicious, you buy them straight from the kitchen to eat in your hands.
  10. The dish was made of silver, beaten out by hand.
  11. He balanced the two rocks in his hands.
  12. The robber bore down on the old woman with a knife in his hand.
  13. He is generally acknowledged to have the finest collection of Dutch paintings in private hands.
  14. In his sleep he let the book fall out of his hand.
  15. The hour hand is smaller than the minute hand.
  16. The two hands on my watch are broken.
  17. She was at his right hand.
  18. We are short of hands.
  19. Our hands are on strike.
  20. Their factory has taken on 150 extra hands.
  21. You can hardly fancy what a capital hand she is at embroidery.
  22. The artist's work showed a master's hand.
  23. I'm a bad hand at making cakes.
  24. He is a poor hand at figures.
  25. I'm not much of a hand at painting.
  26. He writes a good hand.
  27. You had better practise your hand.
  28. He glanced at the envelope and recognized Eade's hand.
  29. Does your hand slope forward or backward?
  30. Apply in your own hand.
  31. Please excuse my bad hand.
  32. He helps poor people with a free hand.
  33. Do you think you can do with a helping hand?
  34. She did the work with a heavy hand.
  35. The new leader carried out reforms with a bold hand.
  36. He is a good hand with a gun.
  37. The hand gradually faded.
  38. The army went forth amid great cheering and hand.
  39. The comedian's joke elicited hand and laughter from the audience.
  40. It was given out that the strikers had decided to return to work, and place their dispute in the hands of their union.
  41. You're allowed a small case as hand luggage.
用作動詞 (v.)
用作及物動詞 S+~+ n./pron.
  1. A doctor and a nurse are handing my father from the ambulance.
用作雙賓動詞 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. She handed me the timetable.
  2. Hand me that book, please.
  3. She handed him the list of names.
  4. Hand me the tools, please.
  5. With the words he handed Professor Wang a tube.
  6. As soon as I came out he handed me a bottle of salted water.
  7. Hand me two eggs.
  8. He handed each of them a shilling.
  9. It handed them a laugh.
  10. 1
  11. We were handed tickets at the entrance.
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. Please hand my book to me.
  2. He handed the papers to the headmaster.
  3. He handed a letter to me when I went into the room.
  4. He penciled the number on a card and handed it to me.
  5. 1
  6. It was handed to me yesterday.
用作賓補動詞 S+~+ n./pron. + adv.
  1. He hands the old granny upstairs and downstairs every day.
  2. He handed the business over to me.


用作名詞 (n.)
a willing hand
    對工作不挑剔的人 a man who expresses satisfaction
an iron hand
    鐵腕人物 a man who controls the country
ask for a (lady's) hand
    向女人求婚 ask for sb as wife
at hand
    在手邊,在附近,即將來臨 near in time or place
at first hand
    直接地,第一手地 by direct personal experience, or that another person
at second hand
    間接地 indirectly
bind hand and foot
    捆住手腳,使受束縛 bind both the hands and feet of sb; make sb unable to do anything
    bind sb hand and foot

    Such a slogan will bind us hand and foot.


    If he signs that paper, he will be bound hand and foot.


bring up by hand
    用奶瓶喂大 feed an animal that has no mother so that it can live and grow
    bring sb ? up by hand

    The lamb had to be brought up by hand.


by hand
    用手;親自 using one's hand; in person
change hands
    轉手 go from the possession of one person to that of another
come to hand
    到手; 收到 be received or obtained
deal with from a weak hand
    做得不得力 not do well on sth
    deal with sth from a weak hand

    Although he apparently has Moscow's back,Kenya is dealing with it from a very weak hand.


dirty one's hands
    敗壞自己的人格 lower or hurt one's character or good name
don't know what to do with one's hands
    手足無措 be seized with panic
eat out of one's hand
    〈非正〉服服帖帖; 不給人惹麻煩 believe or obey sb without question; give sb no trouble
fight hand to hand
    短兵相接,打肉搏戰 fight with enemies very near
fling up one's hands
    失去一切希望 lose all hopes
fold one's hands
    雙臂在胸前合抱 bring one's arms together and cross them over one's chest
force sb's hand
    迫使(某人)做不愿做的事 force sb to do what he dislikes to
get the upper hand (of)
    壓倒,制服 get control of power over sb/sth difficult
give sb a free hand
    讓某人放手干 allow sb to do things in his or her own way
give one's hand to
    與…結婚 marry
grab sb's hand
    抓住某人的手 catch sb by the hand
grasp sb's hands
    握著某人的手 shake sb's hands
hand in glove
    親密地 very close or friendly
hand in hand
    手拉手; 密切合作 closely connected; accompanying each other
hand over fist
    大量而快速地 of making or losing money in great quantity and at great speed
have a hand in
    參與,有關系 join in; have a relation with sth
have one's hands full
    非常忙 be fully occupied; be very busy
have the game in one's hands
    有必勝的把握 be sure of success
hold one's hand
    不忍心 be not hardhearted
hold sb's hand
    幫助某人 help sb
in hand
    在手中,有關系 having a connection
in one's own hands
    在某人自己手中 control sth oneself
join hands with
    與…攜手合作; 顯示出與…的友誼 make a show of friendship with sb such as another nation
lay one's hands on
    動手打人 hit sb by hand
lend a hand
    〈口〉幫助,援助 help; assist
    lend a hand

    If we all lend a hand, it shouldn't take us long to get the job done.


    All the packing has to be done; perhaps you'll lend a hand?


    Lend a hand in carrying these chairs indoors, please.


    They all lend a hand, and between them the thing is done.


    We mustn't stand idly by without lending a hand.


    lend sb a hand

    Lend me a hand to shift this piano, will you?


    Could you lend me a hand with these parcels?


    He lent me a hand with the heavy boxes.


    It will take me hours to check all these figures; I wish somebody would lend me a hand with them.

    檢查這些數字得花我幾個小時; 希望有人幫幫忙就好了。

    We got through the job sooner than we had expected, as we were lent a hand by a couple of boy scouts.


live from hand to mouth
    掙一點吃一點; 僅夠糊口 live without saving for the future; have just enough
many hands make light work
    人多好辦事 many people do thing that everyone is light
on every hand
    從各個方面 on all hand
on hand
    在手邊,在附近; 在場 near in time or place; at present
on the other hand
    另一方面 as one point in the argument
out of hand
    終于 in the end
out of sb's hand
    不再由某人負責掌握 sb doesn't charge again
play into sb's hands
    助人損己; 給人可乘之機 do sth which gives one's opponents an advantage; be or do sth that another person can use against you; help an opponent against yourself
play one's hand
    耍手腕 trick
poke one's hand
    伸手 dig one's hand into
press sb's hand
    握手shake hands with sb
put one's hand to
    著手做; 開始做 start working at; try to do
raise a/one's hand to
    體罰,打人be physically threaten
raise one's hand
    舉手 lift hand
reach one's hand across
    把手伸過… stretch out a hand across sth
reach out a/one's hand
    伸出手 stretch forward a hand
remove one's hand from
    把手從…拿開 take hand away from sth
request sb's hand in marriage
    向某人求婚ask for a lady's hand
rest on one of one's hands
    支撐在一只手上 lean on one of one's hands; be supported by one of one's hands
rub one's hands
    搓手 move one hand backwards and forwards on the other hand
rule with a firm hand
    用鐵的手腕來統治或管理 govern sth such as a group in a very severe way
set one's own hand to
    親手處理 do sth oneself
shake hands with
    和…握手 grasp sb's hands
sit on one's hands
    拒絕工作 refuse to work
take in hand
    把…管起來 put sb/sth under control
    take sb/sth in hand

    When the Export Department began to fail,Mr. Smith took it in hand and made a success of it.


try one's hand at
    試圖去做 try to do sth
turn one's hand to
    著手做; 開始做 start working at; try to do
wait on sb's hand and foot
    伺候(某人) serve sb
wash one's hands of
    退出,不過問 withdraw from or refuse to be responsible for
win hands down
    輕易地獲得 win easily
用作動詞 (v.)
hand back (v.+adv.)
    交還 return; give back
    hand sth ? back

    Hand it back when through.


    Please remember to hand back your room key before leaving the hotel.


    The ticket was handed back to the passenger.


    Examination papers will be handed back after the marks have been officially recorded.


hand down (v.+adv.)
    正式宣布,正式宣判 deliver; pronounce formally
    hand sth ? down

    Please hand down the large dish from the top shelf.


    hand sth ? down

    That folk song has been handed down through generations.


    These customs have been handed down through the ages.


    It has been handed down by generations of peasants.


    This necklace has been handed down in my family.


    He passed on to us all the skill that had been handed down in his family.


    hand ? sth down to sb/sth

    Our fathers handed down these customs to us.


    Our ancestors have handed a rich national culture down to us.


    hand sb down to sth

    They handed Grandma Li down to the ground floor.


    hand sth ? down

    The judge handed his decision down at noon.


hand in (v.+adv.)
    把…扶上車 assist to get up with the hand aboard a car
hand it to (v.+pron.+prep.)
    敬佩 respect sb
hand off (v.+adv.)
    用手推開某人 push sb away with the hand
    hand sb ? off

    The player caught the ball and ran down the field, handing off any player from the other team who tried to stop him.


hand on (v.+adv.)
    傳下來,傳給下一代 hand down; pass down
    hand sth ? on to sb

    Hand it on to others after you have read it.


    Hand it on to each of your classmates when through.


    In the early days, news was handed on from one person to another.


    hand sth ? on

    The estate is handed on from generation to generation.


    This ring was handed on from my great-grandmother.


hand out (v.+adv.)
    居住 live
    hand sb out of sth

    As the lady stepped down from the carriage, the gentleman politely handed her out of the car.


    hand sth ? out

    The teacher is handing out the first paper—Chemistry.


    The teacher was handing the examination-papers out when a telephone call was for her.


    She helps hand out the pamphlets in the street.


    They handed out leaflets in the streets.


    Text and worksheets are handed out, and students are asked to read the questions given before reading the article.


    hand sth ? out to sb

    The teacher handed the new books out to his students.


    We shall hand out these written statements to the reporters.


    hand sth ? out to sb

    Mrs. White likes to hand out advice to the young people, whether they want it or not.


    The police handed out punishment to those who stole bicycles.


    hand sth ? out

    He handed out the goods and his children took them away.


    I'll stay by the car and hand the boxes out to you, so that you can carry them into the house.


    hand out

    The besieged garrison managed to hand out for ten days, after which their supplies became exhausted.


    hand out

    This is your friend John, is it?And where does he hand out?


hand over (v.+adv.)
    讓予,移交 give control or possession of; give sth to another person; transfer power, control, responsibility. etc.
hand round〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    把…遞給; 分發給眾人 distribute among a gathering
hand up (v.+adv.)
    上交,呈交 deliver up
    hand sth ? up

    Hand the paintbrush up to Father on the ladder.


    hand sb ? up

    I shall need you to hand me up on this difficult slope.


    hand sth ? up

    He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.


    Your request will be handed up to the board of directors.



用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • She started to count off the fingers of her left hand.

    出自: V. S. Naipaul
  • The hand he gave to Jeremy was disagreeably sweaty.

    出自: Aldous Huxley
  • His hands palm-upwards on its grained surface.

    出自: M. Amis
  • If you can command these elements to silence,..we will not hand a rope more.

    出自:Tempest , Shakespeare



n. (名詞)
  1. hand用作名詞時基本意思是“手”,指手掌及五指,是可數名詞。引申可指“(鐘表等的)指針”“人手,員工”“幫助,援助”“字跡,書法”“有手藝〔技能〕的人”“鼓掌,拍手”“掌握,控制”等。
  2. hand用在“with+ adj. ”短語后,往往可將具體意義轉化為抽象意義。
  3. hand在句中可用作定語。
  4. 表示“與某人握手”時,用shake hands with sb,此時hand用復數。
v. (動詞)
  1. hand用作名詞時意思是“手”,轉化為動詞則表示“交付”“遞”“傳遞”,多指一樣物品由一人交至另一人手中。有時也表示“攙扶”。
  2. hand是及物動詞,作“攙扶”解時接名詞或代詞作賓語;作“傳遞”解時多接雙賓語,其間接賓語可以轉化為介詞to的賓語??捎糜诒粍咏Y構。
  3. hand可接副詞充當賓語補足語。
  1. at hand,by hand,in hand,on hand,to hand,at one's hands,in one's hands同(up)on one's hands幾種表達方式的比較:at hand一般表示“近在手邊”,但在美國的商業信件中表示“收到”。 by hand表示“用手”,如made by hand表示“手工做成的”。in hand表示“在所有中的,進行中的或控制中的”,在英國的商業信件中表示“收到”。on hand在英美兩國都表示“在所有中的或有待處理的”,在美國還可表示“在場的”。at one's hands表示“受某人的的動作的影響地”,in one's hands表示“受某人的管理,保存或控制的”。(up)on one's hands表示“受某人的照顧或處理”。

    The holidays are at hand.

    Your letter is at hand.

    Jack has only a little money in hand.

    Your letter is to hand.

    Jack has only a little money on hand.

    There was a foreigner on hand at the time of the accident.

    She received something at his hands.

    The child is in my hands.

    I have a family (up)on my hands.

  2. hand后可接雙賓語,在商業信件中常表示“寄或送”。

    He handed me his book.

    I have pleasure in handing you the enclosed cheque.

  3. give/lend sb a hand表示“幫助某人”,而with one's hand表示“親手……”。


n. (名詞)
at hand, by hand, in hand, on hand, to hand
  • 這組短語意思并不相同。其區別在于:
  • 1.by hand表示“用手”“親自”。例如:
  • Are your socks knitted by hand or machine-made?你的襪子是手工織的還是機器織的?
  • 2.to hand為商業信札里的用語,表示“(信)已收到”。例如:
  • Yours to hand.來函收悉。
  • Your letter is to hand.來函收悉。
  • 3.in hand多用于引申義,可表示“(局勢)在控制中”“(工作)在進行中”,也可表示“(錢、物、時間)在手中”,即可供使用。例如:
  • The situation is now in hand.局勢現在控制住了。
  • The printers say that Tom's book is now in hand and will be ready by the beginning of next month.印刷廠說,湯姆的書目前正在印刷,下月初可以印完。
  • 4.at hand可用于空間指“在手邊”“在附近”,也可用于時間指“即將來臨”,多與系動詞be的一般時態連用。例如:
  • I couldn't look up the spelling of the word, as I hadn't a dictionary at hand.我沒法查這個詞的拼寫,因為我手邊沒有詞典。
  • He lives close at hand.他住在近處。
  • The great day is at hand.這個偉大的日子就要到來。
  • 5.on hand可用于空間指“在手邊”“在附近”,也可用于時間指“即將來臨”,須用于將來時, on hand可引申表示“出席”“在場”。例如:
  • I always like to keep a certain amount of money on hand, in case of an emergency.我總喜歡手邊留一定量的錢,以備不時之需。
  • at sb's hands, in sb's hands, on sb's hands
  • 這組短語含義并不相同。其區別在于:
  • 1.at sb's hands表示“受折磨”。例如:
  • The captive suffered much harsh treatment at his jailers hands.那個犯人受到獄卒許多殘酷的折磨。
  • I did not expect such unkind treatment at your hands.我沒料到你會如此無情。
  • 2.in sb's hands表示“在某人手中”“由某人處理”。例如:
  • The documents are in my solicitor's hands.文件由我的律師保管。
  • The matter is in your hands.這事要由你決定。
  • As regards the next move,I am in your hands entirely.關于下一步我完全聽你的。
  • 3.on sb's hands表示“由某人負責”。例如:
  • I have an empty house on my hands.有一所空房子要我照管。
  • I don't know how Mrs. Jones manages with three growing children and an invalid husband on her hands.瓊斯夫人有三個未成年的孩子和一個殘廢的丈夫要照看,我不知道她怎么應付得了。
  • with a heavy hand, with a high hand, with a strong hand
  • 這組短語的意思并不相同。其區別在于:with a high hand的意思是“專橫的”; with a strong hand的意思是“用高壓手段”; with a heavy hand的意思是“濫用一氣”。例如:
  • Well,I don't like him; he deals with everything with a high hand.是嘛,我不喜歡他,他做起事來總是專橫。
  • These bosses used to put the strike down with a strong hand.這些老板以往總是用高壓手段來壓制罷工。
  • We are very short of water, so don't use it with a heavy hand as you usually do.我們用水短缺,因此不能像平時那樣濫用一氣。
  • with open hands, with open arms
  • with open arms的意思是“熱情地”, with open hands則是“花錢大手大腳地”的意思。例如:
  • We welcomed these foreign guests with open arms.我們熱情地歡迎這些外賓。
  • Susan spends her money with open hands.蘇珊花錢大手大腳。
  • lift a hand, lift one's hand
  • 這兩個短語的意思并不相同。其區別在于:lift a hand意思是“舉手之勞”; 而lift one's hand意思是“舉手”。例如:
  • Please lift a hand to turn it over.請費心把它翻一下。
  • The prisoner lifted his hand and pleaded not guilty.這個犯人舉手來訴說自己無罪。
  • hand on, on hand
  • 這兩個短語結構相同,詞序不同,含義用法也不同。前者意為“傳遞”,是“ v.+adv. ”型短語動詞,其后接傳遞的東西作賓語,再加to引出傳給的對象。后者是“ prep.+n. ”型短語,作“在手頭”解時在句中常用作狀語,而作“在場”解時常用作表語。例如:
  • Please hand on the magazine to Sybil. 請把這雜志傳給西比爾。
  • I have a great deal of important work on hand.我手頭有許多重要的工作要做。
  • Please be on hand at 11 sharp.請在11點整到這里來。
  • hand in, in hand
  • 這兩個短語結構相同,詞序不同,含義用法也不同,前者意為“上交”,是“ v.+adv. ”型短語動詞,其后接上交的東西作賓語。后者是“ prep.+n. ”型短語,作“在手頭”解時在句中常用作狀語。例如:
  • Each student has to hand in a composition.每個學生都要交一篇作文。
  • I still have some money in hand.我手頭還有些錢。
  • lay a hand on, lay hands on
  • 這兩個短語的共同意思是“打人”,都是口頭用語,常用于否定句和疑問句中,其區別在于:
  • 1.lay a hand on指“打一下”,而lay hands on則起碼“打兩下或兩下以上”。試比較:
  • Nobody has laid a hand on me yet.
  • 至今還沒人打過我一下。
  • Nobody has laid hands on me yet.
  • 至今還沒人打過我。
  • 2.lay hands on還可表示“找到”“弄到”,而lay a hand on無此義。
  • 下面句子中短語的意思相同:
  • Well,I should give my hand on the bargain.
  • 好吧,我就答應你出的價錢。
  • The young lady has given her hand to his request.
  • 這位年輕的姑娘已經同意他的求婚請 求了。
  • 下面句子中短語的意思不同。試比較:
  • Your letter has come to hand.
  • 你的來信我收到了。
  • The key I lost this morning has come to my hand.
  • 我今天早晨丟的鑰匙已經找到了。
  • 下面句子中短語的意思相反。試比較:
  • Master Lu is an old hand in our factory.
  • 我們廠里陸師傅是個老手。
  • Mr. Wu is a green hand.
  • 吳先生是個新手。
  • 常見錯誤

    n. (名詞)

      My every hand can lift the stone.

      Each of my hands can lift the stone.

      hand 作名詞指一個人的手時,不可用every, none, any, all 作限定詞。


      The day of celebration is in hand.

      The day of celebration is at hand.

      短語at hand意思是“在手邊,在眼前”; in hand意為“在手里”。


      I grabbed him by hand.

      I grabbed him by the hand.

      在表示“抓住某人的手”時, hand前要用定冠詞the。


      He is clever, but in the other hand, he makes many mistakes.

      He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.

      on the other hand是固定短語,表示“另一方面”,其中介詞on不可換為in。


      Everything that was said yesterday bears in first hand on what we decide to do.

      Everything that was said yesterday bears at first hand on what we decide to do.

      at first hand為固定短語,意思是“直接地”,其中介詞at不可換為in。


      He dived the hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key.

      He dived his hand into his pocket in an attempt to find the key.



      Mr. Wood is a young hand in our factory.

      Mr. Wood is a green hand in our factory.

      a green hand為固定短語,意思是“生手”“新手”。


      The boy carried a baby in his hands.

      The boy carried a baby in his arms.

      The boy held a baby in his arms.


    v. (動詞)

      He handed the ticket-collector for his ticket at the entrance of the station.

      He handed the ticket-collector his ticket at the entrance of the station.

      He handed his ticket to the ticket-collector at the entrance of the station.



    • ☆ 直接源自古英語的hond;最初源自原始日耳曼語的khanduz,意為手,控制。
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