



  • - (送對方某物; 使對方得到) give; grant:

    give the enemy a hard blow; 給敵人一個嚴重的打擊

    grant sb. three days' leave; 給某人3天假

    - (用在動詞后,表示交與,付出) pass; pay:

    pay sb. five dollars; 付給某人5元錢

    pass him sth.; 把某物遞給他

    - (叫; 讓) let; allow:

    Don't allow him to have a look. 不給他看。

  • - (為)for; to:

    Will you sing a song for us? 你給我們唱個歌好嗎?

    He serves as an interpreter for us. 他給我們當翻譯。

    - (被) by:

    The newspaper was blown away by the wind. 報紙給風吹走了。

    Our clothes were soaked with sweat. 我們的衣服給汗水濕透了。

  • - (用在表示被動、處置等意思的謂語動詞前,以加強語氣):

    got wet in the rain; 叫雨給淋濕了

    I've forgot the matter. 我把那件事給忘了。

  • - (供給; 供應) supply; provide:

    supply; 補給

    ration; 配給

  • - (富裕充足) ample; well provided for:

    Every household is well provided for. 家給戶足。



  1. 我正準備打電話給你。
    I was just about to call you.
  2. 把這本書給她。
    Give her the book.
  3. 請把字典遞給我。
    Please pass the dictionary to me.
  4. 把交通安全常識教給孩子們是非常重要的。
    It's very important to teach the children about road safety.
  5. 你能給我一些建議嗎?
    Can you give me some feedback?
  6. 他給瑪麗買了一個電吹風。
    He bought an electric hair-drier for Mary.
  7. 那個小販試圖賣給我一些小東西。
    The peddler tried to sell me some small articles.
  8. 一名通訊員被派去給前線士兵送消息。
    A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.


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