



  • - (下棋時下一子或走一步) a move in chess:

    lose a move to him; 輸他一著

    make a false move; take a wrong step 走錯一著

    - (計策或手段) trick; means; device; move:

    Don't try any tricks! 別?;ㄖ?

    He's at the end of his tether. 他沒著兒了。

  • - (放; 擱進去) put:

    Put some salt in the soup. 湯里著點兒鹽。

  • - (用于應答, 表示同意) O.K.; all right; well:

    O.K., do it that way. 著, 就這樣干吧。

    Well, that's right. 這話著哇!

  • - (接觸; 挨上) touch:

    touch neither the top nor the bottom 上下不著邊

    - (感受; 受到) feel; be affected by:

    catch cold; 著涼

    be affected by a draft; become unwell through being in a draft 著風

    - (燃燒; 燈發光) burn; light:

    The stove is burning briskly. 爐火著得很旺。

    The light is on.; The lamp is lit up. 燈著了。

    - (入睡) fall asleep; sleep:

    He falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. 他頭一沾枕頭就著。

    - (用在動詞后, 表示已經達到目的或有了結果):

    fell into a sleep; 睡著了

    have hit the mark; 打著了



  1. 棉花容易著火。
    Cotton catches fire easily.
  2. 他坐在風口上,著涼了。
    He sat in a draught and catch a cold.
  3. 警方正在忙著捕捉逃犯。
    The police are on the run to catch the murderer.
  4. 他偷偷溜進了電影院而沒有被人逮著。
    He stole into the cinema without being caught.


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