



  • - (才能) ability; talent; gift; endowment:

    have both ability and political integrity; 德才兼備

    be gifted in many ways 多才多藝

    - (有才能的人) capable person:

    unusual [remarkable] talent; 奇才

    a person of talent; talent 人才

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Cai Kuan 才寬

  • - (表示事情在前不久發生; 剛才):

    The performance has just started. 節目才開始。

    Why leave so soon? You've only just arrived. 怎么,才來就要走?

    - (表示事情發生或結束得晚):

    Why are you so late? 你怎么才來?

    He left Dalian only yesterday. 他昨天才離開大連。

    - (表示只有在某種條件下,或由于某種原因、目的、然后怎么樣,前面常有“只有、必須、因為、由于” 等配合;方才):

    Must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading? 非要等起重機來了才能裝運嗎?

    Only you study hard can you get good results. 只有肯努力,才能得到好的學習成績。

    - (對比起來表示數量小,次數少,能力差等等; 僅僅):

    Before liberation, China's highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons. 解放前全國鋼年產量最高才90多萬噸。

    He was only five years old then. 當時他才五歲。

    - (表示強調所說的事,句尾常用“呢”字):

    The wheat is coming along fine. 麥子長得才好呢 !

    It would be strange if he didn't know. 他要是不知道才怪呢 !



  1. 我剛好及時到會,才算沒受責備。
    I saved my bacon by arriving just in time for the meeting.
  2. 你剛才指的是什么?
    What were you alluding to just now?
  3. 我剛才把你的一個瓷器裝飾品弄掉了。
    I've just dropped one of your china ornamental.
  4. 只有知道如何生活的人們,才會開始認識自己和人生。
    Only those who learn how to live can come to know themselves and life.
  5. 他看了報紙后才知道那則報導。
    Only when he read the newspaper did he know the story.
  6. 我昨天才見到他。
    I saw him only yesterday.
  7. 我只在特殊場合才打領帶。
    I only wear a tie on special occasions.
  8. 希望在新的工作崗位上,她的才干能夠得到比以往更好的發揮。
    It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilised than before.


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