



  • - (優美的語言; 文辭; 言辭) diction; phraseology:

    rhetoric 修辭

    - (古典文學的一種體裁) a type of classical Chinese literature:

    The Songs of Chu 《楚辭》

    - (古體詩一種) a form of classical poetry:

    The Ballad of Mulan 《木蘭辭》

  • - (告別) take leave:

    leave without saying good-bye; 不辭而別

    take one's leave 告辭

    - (推辭; 辭謝) decline:

    firmly decline 固辭

    - (辭職) resign:

    They are intending to resign from the committee. 他們打算辭去委員會中的職務。

    - (辭退; 解雇) dismiss; discharge:

    He was dismissed for neglect of his duty. 他因玩忽職守被辭了。

    - (躲避; 推托) evade; shirk:

    spare no effort; take pains 不辭勞苦



  1. 我們尚未收到他的辭呈。
    We haven't yet received his resignation.
  2. 她向他遞交了辭呈。
    She proffered him her resignation.
  3. 他正考慮從委員會中辭職。
    He is considering resignation from the committee.
  4. 部長拒絕就他辭職一事的傳聞發表評論。
    The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation.
  5. 他那不光彩歷史的揭露導致了他的辭職。
    The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
  6. 面對這樣的指責,許多人都會辭職的,然而他卻留下并硬是挺了過來。
    A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed it out.
  7. 你聽到她打算辭職的傳聞了嗎?
    Have you heard of her intention to resign?
  8. 為這樣的小事辭職未免愚蠢而輕率。
    It would be foolish and impetuous to resign over such a trivial matter.


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