



  • - (連接語意相承的成分):

    beautiful and moving; 美麗而動人

    take sb.'s or sth.'s place; replace [supersede] sb.; 取而代之

    - (連接肯定和否定互相補充的成分):

    deeply felt but not sentimental; 哀而不傷

    flashy without substance; 華而不實

    - (連接語意相反的成分,表示轉折):

    large but impractical; unwieldy 大而無當

    - (連接事理上前后相因的成分):

    do what one's strength allows; act according to one's ability; 量力而行

    die for the people; 為民而死

    - (表示“到”的意思):

    again and again; time and again; 一而再,再而三

    from south to north; 由南而北

    - (把表示時間或方式的成分連接到動詞上面):

    come hastening; 匆匆而來

    force way into house; 奪門而入

    - (插在主語謂語中間,有“如果”的意思):

    If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works. 當作家而不深入群眾,就不會寫出好作品來。



  1. 他宣布脫離他原來的宗教而成為了一名穆斯林教徒。
    He renounced his religion and became a Muslim.
  2. 病人因出現并發癥而死亡。
    Complications set in, and the patient died.
  3. 他的童年是壓抑而孤獨的。
    His childhood was repressed and solitary.
  4. 正方形有四條邊,而圓形沒有邊。
    A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.
  5. 他以為她愛上他,但只是夢想而已。
    He thinks she is in love with him, but it's only a dream.
  6. 這次比賽不僅職業運動員可以參加,而且業余運動員也可以參加。
    The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals.
  7. 他不但會說英語,而且還會說法語。
    He speaks not only English but also French.
  8. 這兩個人中,前者已死,而后者仍然活著。
    Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive.


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