



  • - (斷絕) cut off; sever:

    cut off his retreat; 絕其后路

    prolonged applause; 掌聲不絕

  • - (完全沒有了; 窮盡; 凈盡) exhausted; used up; finished:

    have run out of ammunition and provisions; 彈盡糧絕

    kill all; wipe out the whole lot; 斬盡殺絕

    - (走不通的; 沒有出路的) desperate; hopeless:

    hopeless situation; impasse 絕境

    - (獨一無二; 特別出色) unique; superb; matchless:

    thump the table and praise the excellence of a thing; 拍案叫絕

    Her calligraphy as well as her painting can be rated as superb works of art. 她的書畫可稱雙絕。

    - (確定; 肯定) leaving no leeway; making no allowance; uncompromising:

    don't be too definitive in what you say; 不要把話說絕

    He disagreed, but he didn't say anything definitive. 他盡管不同意,但是沒有把話說絕。

  • - (極; 最) extremely; most:

    most; the overwhelming majority; 絕大多數

    an egregious error; a grievous fault; 絕大的錯誤

    - (用在否定詞前面: 絕對) absolutely; in the least; by any means; on any account:

    absolutely impossible [unbelievable]; 絕不可能 [信]

    by no means fortuitous; 絕非偶然

  • - (絕句) jueju, a poem of four lines



  1. 這些音樂家作了一場絕對完美的演出。
    These musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance.
  2. 恐龍已絕種幾百萬年了。
    Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
  3. 他的關于恐龍滅絕的電影取得了巨大的成功。
    His movie of the extinction of dinosaurs was a great success.
  4. 人類是否會受到完全滅絕的威脅呢?
    Is the human race threatened with complete extinction?
  5. 這件事他絕對沒辦法處理。
    By no means was he able to handle it.
  6. 要滿足每一個人絕非易事。
    It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone.
  7. 當然是;正是如此;絕對如此。
  8. 絕對不可能的!
    Absolutely impossible!


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