



  • - (生育; 生殖) give birth to; bear:

    give birth to a child; 生孩子

    newborn baby; 新生兒

    - (出生) be born:

    He was born in 1950. 他生于1950年。

    I feel as if I had been born again. 我有一種再生之感。

    - (生長) grow:

    take root; 生根

    sprout; 生芽

    - (生存; 活) live; exist:

    raise sb. from the dead; bring sb. back to life; 起死回生

    Better die standing than live kneeling. 寧愿站著死,不愿跪著生。

    - (產生;發生) get; have:

    provoke a dispute; stir up trouble; 惹是生非

    get chilblains 生凍瘡

    - (使燃料燃燒) light (a fire):

    light a stove; 生爐子

    light a bonfire 生起一堆篝火

  • - (生命) life:

    lose one's life; be [get] killed; 喪生

    lay down one's life for a just cause; 舍生取義

    - (生計) livelihood:

    earn one's livelihood; make a living; 謀生

    make a livelihood by writing; 以寫作為生

    - (學生) pupil;student:

    man [boy] student; schoolboy; 男生

    teacher-student relations 師生關系

    - (舊時稱讀書人) scholar:

    Confucian scholar; 儒生

    intellectual; scholar 書生

    - (戲曲角色,扮演男子) the male character type in Beijing opera, etc.
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Sheng Yonghe 生用和

  • - (有生命力的; 活的) living:

    living things 生物

    - (果實沒有成熟) unripe; green:

    unripe watermelon; 生瓜

    a green apple; 生蘋果

    - (沒有煮過或煮得不夠的) raw; uncooked:

    eat shrimps raw; 吃生蝦

    raw meat [fish]; 生肉[魚]

    - (未經加工或鍛煉過的) unprocessed; unrefined; crude:

    rawhide;(untanned) hide; 生皮

    quicklime 生石灰

    - (生疏; 不熟練) unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange:

    a stranger in a strange place; 人生地不熟

    new word; 生詞

    - (生硬; 勉強) stiff; mechanical:

    mechanically put together (disconnected words and phrases); arbitrarily dish up (unrelated facts); 生湊

    We cannot apply mechanically other people's experiences. 我們不能生搬別人的經驗。

  • - (用在某些表示感情、感覺的詞的前面) very:

    for fear that; 生恐

    I bumped against a desk and felt great pain in my leg. 腿被桌子撞得生疼。

    - [后綴]
    - (某些指人的名詞后綴):

    student; pupil; 學生

    doctor 醫生

    - (某些副詞的后綴):

    carefully; properly; 好生

    how 怎生



  1. 他以寫作為生。
    He lives by his pen.
  2. 他珍視生命。
    He holds life dear.
  3. 并非所有的人生來都像你這樣有天賦。
    Not everyone is born with such endowments as you.
  4. 只有知道如何生活的人們,才會開始認識自己和人生。
    Only those who learn how to live can come to know themselves and life.
  5. 想過舒適的生活不過是普通人的本性。
    It's only human nature to want a comfortable life.
  6. 對他來說,生活似乎已失去了一切樂趣。
    Life seems to have lost most of its savor for him.
  7. 我們都喜歡鄉村生活的寧靜。
    We all like the tranquility of the country life.
  8. 她愛市場上的生趣、喧嘩與多姿多彩。
    She loved the life, noise, and color of the market.


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