



  • - (不領有; 不具有) not have:

    Had you no friends? 你沒朋友嗎?

    Every family in our village has grain to spare. 我們村沒一家沒余糧。

    - (不存在) there is not; be without:

    She is a selfless girl. 她是個沒私心的姑娘。

    We have no lessons this afternoon. 我們今天下午沒課。

    - (不及; 不如) not be as good as; be inferior to:

    I don't study as hard as he does. 我學習沒他刻苦。

    The problem is not as complicated as he imagined. 問題沒他想像的那么復雜。

    - (不夠; 不到) less than:

    He left in less than two weeks time. 沒兩個星期他就走了。

    She died only a few days later. 后來沒幾天她死了。

  • - (否定動作或狀態已經發生,有“不曾”的意思) no; not; never:

    The shop hasn't closed yet. 商店還沒關門。

    He has never been abroad. 他從來沒出過國。

  • - (沉下或沉沒) sink; submerge:

    submerge; be drowned; 淹沒

    sank to the bottom of the river 沒入河底

    - (漫過或高過) overflow; rise beyond:

    The snow was knee-deep. 雪深沒膝。

    The river overflowed the banks. 河水沒過兩岸。

    - (隱藏;隱沒) hide; disappear; vanish:

    lie hidden; 隱沒

    stifle real talents; 埋沒人材

    - (沒收) confiscate; expropriate:

    search sb.'s place and confiscate his property 抄沒

    - (死) die
  • - (一直到完了; 盡; 終) last; end:

    till the end of one's life; 沒世

    all one's life; till the end of one's life 沒齒



  1. 沒有這么大的地方來放這些書。
    There is not so much room for these books.
  2. 這種新藥還沒有投放市場。
    This new drug is not yet commercially available.
  3. 這老人沒有手杖就走不了路。
    The old man could not walk without a stick.
  4. 這個老人凝神沉思,沒有聽見我們進來。
    The old man was lost in thought and did not hear us come in.
  5. 我沒有把握。
    I'm not certain.
  6. 還好我們沒有跟著他。
    It is just as well that we did not follow him.
  7. 他甚至都沒謝我。
    He did not so much as thank me.
  8. 吸煙對你的健康沒有好處。
    Smoking is not good for your health.


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