



  • - (氣體) gas:

    poisonous [poison] gas; 毒氣

    coal gas; gas; 煤氣

    - (空氣) air:

    open the window to let in some fresh air; 打開窗子透一氣氣

    blow air into a balloon; 給氣球充氣

    - (氣息) breath:

    lose one's breath; gasp for breath; 喘不過氣來

    be out of breath; gasp for breath; 上氣不接下氣

    - (自然界冷熱陰晴等現象) weather:

    fine autumn weather 秋高氣爽

    - (氣味) smell; odour:

    bad odour; foul smell; 臭氣

    A sweet smell assailed the nostrils. 香氣撲鼻。

    - (精神狀態) spirit; morale:

    in low spirits; 垂頭喪氣

    boost the morale; cheer on; 打氣

    - (作風; 習氣) airs; manner; style:

    bureaucratic airs; 官氣

    childishness; 孩子氣

    - (受到的欺侮) insult; bullying:

    swallow an insult; submit to humiliation; 忍氣吞聲

    In the old days, she used to be bullied in the feudal family. 過去,在那個封建家庭里,她受了不少氣。

    - {中醫} (人體內能使各器官正常地發揮機能的原動力) qi; vital energy; energy of life:

    vitality; vigour 元氣

  • - (生氣; 發怒) get angry; be enraged:

    tremble with rage; 氣得直哆嗦

    He got insanely angry at being made a fool of. 他為受到愚弄而氣得發昏。

    - (使人生氣) make angry; enrage:

    I was deliberately trying to annoy him.; I got him angry on purpose. 我故意氣他一下。



  1. 干酪散發出強烈的氣味。
    The cheese was emitting a strong smell.
  2. 麝香是一種有強烈氣味的物質。
    Musk is a kind of strong-smelling substance.
  3. 空氣是氣體的混合物。
    Air is a mixture of gases.
  4. 打開窗戶,讓新鮮的空氣進來。
    Open the window and let in some fresh air.
  5. 新鮮空氣和運動有益于健康。
    Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
  6. 我出門之前,把煤氣的總閥關掉了。
    I turned the gas off at the mains before I went out.
  7. 炎熱天氣一直持續到十月。
    The hot weather extended into October.
  8. 天氣怎么樣?
    What's the weather like?


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