



  • - (查點) count:

    count from one to twenty; 從1數到20

    count down; 倒著數

    - (計算或比較起來最突出) be reckoned as exceptionally (good, bad, etc.):

    He is the tallest in the class. 全班數他最高。

    She is considered the best in the school. 全校數她功課好。

    - (列舉) enumerate; list:

    enumerate the crimes sb. has committed; 歷數其罪

    as if enumerating one's family valuables -- very familiar with one's subject. 如數家珍

  • - (數目) number; figure:

    number of times; 次數

    raise the number of committee members from five to ten; 將委員人數由5名增加到10名

    - {數} (表示事物的量的基本數學概念) number:

    real number; 實數

    irrational [rational] number; 無理[有理]數

    - {語} (表示名詞或代詞所指事物的數量) number:

    singular [plural] number 單 [復]數

    - (天數) fate; destiny:

    inexorable doom; predestined fate 劫數

  • - (幾; 幾個) several; a few:

    for several years running; 連續數年

    several hundred people; 數百人

  • - (屢次) frequently; repeatedly:

    many times 頻數



  1. 擁有汽車的人數一直在逐漸上升。
    There has been a gradual increase in the number of people owning cars.
  2. 你雙手手指的總數是10。
    The number of your finger is ten.
  3. 他們估計參觀者人數為1000萬。
    They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.
  4. 你能讀出刻度盤上的讀數嗎?
    Can you read the number on the dial?
  5. 在過去的五十年里,老虎的數目銳減。
    The number of tigers has reduced abruptly in the last fifty years.
  6. 看電影的人數似乎在逐漸下降。
    The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.
  7. 把這些數字加起來,告訴我總數是多少。
    Add this numbers together and give me the total.
  8. 這個劇目播出前必須經過數次剪輯。
    Before this play is broadcast several cuts must be made.


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