



  • - (執; 握?。?grasp; hold:

    hold a book in hand; 把卷

    grasp the gun tightly; 緊緊把著槍

    - (看守; 把守) guard; watch; keep:

    guard a gate 把大門

    - (掌握; 控制; 把持; 把攬 ) control; dominate; monopolize:

    be firm at the helm; 把好舵

    keep a tight control on things 把著不放手

    - (幫助小孩大小便) assist child in natural functions:

    hold a baby while he relieves himself 把屎把尿

    - (用做; 當做; 含“拿”的意思) use sth. as; regard as:

    use as a substitute for an umbrella ; 把來做傘

    take [regard] the matter seriously 把這當一回事

    - (給) give:

    have not given it to you so far 一向沒把得你

    - (約束住使不裂開) chain; lock:

    mend the crack 把住裂縫

    - (緊靠) lean against; lean on:

    lean against a corner formed by two walls 把墻角站著

  • - (把手) handle:

    the handlebar of a bicycle 自行車把

    - (扎在一起的捆子) bundle; bunch:

    a bundle of straw; 草把

    a bundle of stalk 秫秸把

  • - (用于有柄的器具) used before objects with handles or things to take hold of:

    a chair; 一把椅子

    an umbrella 一把雨傘

    - (指可以一手抓起的數量) a handful of:

    a handful of hemp; 一把麻繩

    a bunch of flowers; 一把花

    - (用于抽象事物) used before abstract things:

    be adept at; a past master; a good hand in; 一把好手

    be getting on in years; 上了一把年紀

    - (用于手的動作) used in things done with hands:

    give [lend] him a hand; 幫他一把

    give him a tug 拉他一把

  • - (用于數字或度量后,表示“大約; 左右”) about; or so:

    about a hundred persons; some hundred people; 百把人

    about a year long; 年把日子

  • - (賓語是后面動詞的承受者,意思和“將”一樣):

    close the door; 把門關上

    fulfill the task; 把任務完成

    - (后面的動詞是“忙、累、急、氣”等加上表示結果的補語,有“致使”之意):

    excited him very much; 把他樂壞了

    That trip really tired him out. 這一趟可真把他累壞了。

    - (賓語是后面動詞的執行者,表示不如意之事):

    just left himself far behind 偏偏把他拉在后面



  1. 那人用斧頭把一塊木頭劈成兩半。
    The man cleft a block of wood in two with an axe.
  2. 炸彈把那座建筑夷為平地。
    The bombs razed the building to the ground.
  3. 這把重斧頭不好用。
    The heavy axe was awkward to use.
  4. 咱們把這件老掉牙的舊家具扔掉吧。
    Let's get rid of this mouldy old furniture.
  5. 他急盼別人伸出手來扶他一把。
    He grasped at the offer.
  6. 吉姆似乎總是不能把一份工作保持幾個星期以上。
    Jim seems unable to hold down a job for more than a few weeks.
  7. 鎮紙,紙壓一種常裝飾性地放在散紙上把紙頁壓平的小而重的物體
    A small, heavy, often decorative object that is placed on loose papers to hold them down.


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