



  • - (標準) standard; guideline; criterion; norm:

    level; standard; 水準

    take this as the criterion or model 以此為準

    - (目標) aim; target:

    take aim; hit the target 瞄準

  • - (依據; 依照) follow; act up to:

    to be settled by following precedent 準前例處理

    - (準許) permit; grant; allow; approve:

    ratify; sanction; approve; 批準

    permit of no delay; 不準拖延

  • - (準確) accurate; exact; precise:

    There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint. 這張藍圖有點不準。

    The quartz watch keeps good time. 石英表走時準。

    - (可靠) reliable; dependable:

    one's words are not dependable; 說話不準

    unpredictable temperament 沒準脾氣

    - (程度上雖不完全夠,但可以作為某類事物看待的) quasi-; para-:

    a quasi-judicial body; 準司法機關

    paramilitary organization 準軍事組織

  • - (一定) definitely; certainly; surely:

    That is definitely wrong. 那準不對。

    They will surely succeed. 他們準能成功。



  1. 他能準確流利地說英語。
    He can speak English fluently and accurately.
  2. 該報告建議安全標準應該改進。
    The report advances the suggestion that safety standards should be improved.
  3. 國民財富在很大程度上取決于一個國家的教育水準。
    National wealth depends to a high degree on a country's educational standard.
  4. 道德標準是否有所改進?
    Have standards of morality improved?
  5. 我們對道德標準看法不一致。
    We differ about moral standards.
  6. 這位老師給他的學生們定下高標準。
    The teacher sets high standard for his pupils.
  7. 我們應該建立高標準的衛生標準。
    We should establish high standards of cleanliness.
  8. 風力是按0-12級標準等級測量的。
    The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 0-12.


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