



  • - (制造) make; manufacture; produce:

    make shoes; 做鞋

    make clothes; 做衣服

    - (寫作) write; compose:

    compose a poem; 做詩

    write literary works 做文章

    - (從事某種工作或活動) do; work at; engage in:

    do business; carry on trade; 做生意

    labour; do hard manual work; 做苦力

    - (舉行家庭的慶?;蚣o念活動) hold a family [home] celebration; celebrate:

    hold a birthday party; celebrate sb.'s birthday 做生日

    - (充當; 擔任) be; become; act as:

    become an actor or actress; go on the stage; 做演員

    act as interpreter; 做翻譯

    - (用做) be used as:

    Bark may be used as raw material for paper-making. 樹皮可以做造紙的原料。

    This piece of cloth can be used to make a pair of pillow cases. 這塊布可以做一對枕套。

    - (結成關系) form or contract a relationship:

    (of two families) become relatives by marriage; 做親

    make friends with; 做朋友

    - (烹調) cook; prepare:

    do the cooking; prepare a meal; 做飯

    She was skilled in preparing tasty dishes. 她很會做菜。



  1. 你知道你在做什么嗎?
    What do you think you are doing?
  2. 只要你不出賣我,要我做什么我都愿意。
    As long as you don't betray me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).
  3. 你真不應該那樣做!
    You shouldn't have done that!
  4. 即使你不喜歡這工作,你也得做。
    Even though you do not like it, you must do it.
  5. 你做什么消遣?
    What do you do for relaxation?
  6. 我已經足夠大了,有權去做我喜歡做的事。
    I'm old enough to have the freedom to do as I like.
  7. 看看你都做了些什么!
    Just look at what you've done!
  8. 說是容易做時難。
    Easier said than done.


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