



  • - (行業) line of business; trade; industry:

    all trades and professions; different trades and callings; all walks of life; 各行各業

    industry; 工業

    - (職業) occupation; profession; employment; job:

    obtain employment; take up an occupation; get a job; 就業

    be out of job; be unemployed; 失業

    - (學業) course of study:

    complete a course of study; graduate; 結業

    study at school 修業

    - (事業) cause; enterprise:

    start an enterprise; do pioneering work; 創業

    great cause 大業

    - (產業) estate; property:

    family property 家業

    - {宗} (佛教徒稱一切行為、言語、思想為業) karma; deed; action:

    sin 罪業

    - (姓氏)a surname:

    Ye Wei 業偉

  • - (從事) engage in:

    engage in farming; 業農

    practise medicine 業醫

  • - (已經) already:

    already died of illness; 業已病故

    have already been verified 業已核實



  1. 他放棄了一份安定的工作而自己創業,表現出了極大的勇氣。
    He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business.
  2. 金融家告訴我們不要再用那種方法做業務。
    The financier told us not to do business in that way.
  3. 他的事業興旺發達。
    His business is prosperous.
  4. 他為挽救這家企業,不惜冒險投入他的全部金錢。
    He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.
  5. 旅游業已經成為真正的產業。
    The tourist trade has become a real industry.
  6. 士兵的職業是打仗。
    The trade of the soldier is war.
  7. 他的職業是經商。
    He is a merchant in occupation.


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